For example, in the previous expression, by putting both integer data items together(" Retailer type code "and" Retailer code"), the error message disappears. 例如,在前面的表达式中,把两个整数数据项(“Retailertypecode”和“Retailercode”)放在一起,错误消息就会消失了。
Also, the expression must be assignment-compatible to the variable data type. 此外,表达式在分配时必须与变量数据类型兼容。
Field expression contains an invalid data type. 字段表达式包含无效的数据类型。
Explicitly converts an expression of one data type to another 显式地将一种数据类型转换成另一种数据类型
XML and XML Schema that solve data expression and data type respectively are key powers, which drive the development of Web Service. XML和XMLSCHEMA分别解决了数据表示和数据类型问题,这正是驱动Web服务的关键动力。